The Cold Witch A Tale Of The Shrouded College

MINISERIES PREMIERE The next tale in the Shrouded College universe from CHARLES SOULE (EIGHT BILLION GENIES, UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY) and WILL SLINEY (HELL TO PAY, Spider-Man) is here! THE COLD WITCH is an icy tale of revenge and dark sorcery set in frozen Siberia—John Wick with zombies! The tale of a wronged woman who goes to truly desperate lengths to avenge her murdered love, THE COLD WITCH expands the "supernatural Mission: Impossible" conceit that readers found in HELL TO PAY and THE BLOODY DOZEN, while standing completely on its own. A blood-chilling adventure, perfect for horror action fans. COVER C includes a special, individually numbered collector's coin! Mission: Impossible meets **John Wick**—but with zombies—in the newest entry in SOULE and SLINEY's shared Shrouded College Universe of titles.

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