The 100 greatest toys of the decade -- Hard to believe, but ToyFare magazine has been around for a decade. That's ten years of the best toy magazine in history! Well, it's also been ten years of the best toys in history, which is why we're counting down the top 100 toys of the past decade! Who will be named the best toy of the last ten years! The answer may shock and/or surprise you! This month's cover will be a special 10th Anniversary edition!
LOST TOYS -- Over the past ten years, we've seen some crazy toys come out-and some even crazier ones that didn't! We'll run down the toys that we showed in ToyFare that never came out for one reason or another, from the Watchmen to Sesame Street! Prepare to commence weeping!
HOAXES REVEALED! -- We'll admit that, over the years, we've been...less than honest with you. Occasionally, we'll show you a toy line that you've never heard of that we say existed-well, we're finally going to reveal all of the horrible jokes we've played on you. We kid because we love! Forgive us!
TWISTED TOYFARE THEATRE -- It's the return of a long-missing character in a special, oversized 10th anniversary TTT! Where has he been all these years? What has he been doing? Does he even want to come back to the strip that transformed his head, launched him into space and set him on fire? Doubtful!
THE RETURN OF BIG SHOTS! -- Because you demanded it! The Big Shots return, in a special, one-time command performance! See classic toys making fart jokes in a romantic, price guide setting! We're really not sure why you like them so much!