TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT...AGAIN! -- Transformers was the movie that finally took toys out of the basement and put them up on the big screen where they belong! Now it's back with this summer's Revenge of the Fallen...and we want to know all about it. What is 'The Fallen,' and why does it want revenge? What's up with Shia LaBeouf's hand? And most importantly...what awesome new toys can we expect? Luckily, we won't have to wait long to find out: Hasbro's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toys appear on this month's cover!
ACROSS THE (DC) UNIVERSE -- DC Universe Classics has taken its place as one of the hottest toy lines around today. Collectors love it for its unpredictable character selection...but how do Mattel and the Four Horsemen figure out who to put in each wave? Find out here, and get your first look at the newest wave of DC Universe Classics figures!
GAME ON! -- Video game toys are on the rise! From McFarlane's Guitar Hero figures to NECA's Gears of War, to DC Unlimited's World of Warcraft and beyond, toy fans can't get enough of these digital dynamos. We'll take a look at the best video game toys out there, and get video game pros to weigh in with their inside take on the figures!
TURTLE POWER! -- It's been 25 years since the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crawled out of the sewers and onto comic pages. But some of the coolest, weirdest and most striking Turtles characters came from the original Playmates toy line! For instance, you know Donatello and Raphael, right? But do you know Ace Duck and Ray Fillet? We'll run down the craziest characters from the classic line!
TWISTED TOYFARE THEATRE: STILL TWISTED! -- Look, we'll level with you: we don't know what's going to happen in 'Twisted ToyFare Theatre' yet this month. The voices in our head haven't given us our instructions yet. However, the voices never fail to be hilarious and outrageous, so we have full faith that you can expect the same.