WIZARD'S BEST OF 2007! From the best writers to the greatest artists, to the biggest event projects and the must-read indie books and everything comic book in between, it's time for Wizard's Best of 2007 celebration! What books rocked fandom to its core? Who were the breakout creators of the year? Get our picks right here!
FIRST ANNUAL POWER POLL! Who's got the most superhero juice in Tinseltown? Frank Miller? Sam Raimi? Zack Snyder? Christopher Nolan? Bryan Singer? We rank the 50 most powerful people in Hollywood and spotlight how they rocked the comic book industry! Find out who earns the top spot on Wizard's Hollywood Walk of Fame.
MARVEL'S GREATEST YEAR EVER! The House of Ideas ruled the charts and the spotlight in 2007-Cap: Dead! Spidey: Hunted! Hulk: Unleashed! Wolverine: Murderer! Iron Man: Terrorist! What can Marvel do for an encore? We've got a look ahead!
GREEN LANTERN EVENT! How does Geoff Johns follow up his sensational, senses-searing 'Sinestro Corps' storyline? He teams up with former Teen Titans partner Mike McKone for 'The Alpha Lanterns,' an event storyline in Green Lantern that introduces a brand-new mythology to the DCU's space-faring cops. Who are the Alpha Lanterns, and what do they mean for the Corps? Get the book on it here.
'ULTIMATES 3' IS HERE! Best-selling writer Jeph Loeb teams up with yet another superstar artist for his latest superhero epic, as Marvel snags one-time X-Men great Joe Madureira for a triumphant return to the House of Ideas! These two superstar headliners have big plans for the Ultimates, and we've got your scoop on this eagerly anticipated event!