Not polybagged. Does not include trading card or other extras.
Cover 1 of 2.
PREPARE FOR 'SECRET INVASION'! Speculation and paranoia have brewed for months, but now Secret Invasion finally arrives! Not only do Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Yu launch the new event miniseries in April, it crosses over into Mighty Avengers and New Avengers as well! Find out how the Skrulls plan on conquering the Marvel U!
'COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS'! DC's latest weekly hit, Countdown to Final Crisis, comes to its stunning conclusion and gives way to the big Final Crisis event by Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones. We'll explore how these two events link together, and tell you what's in store as these two projects collide.
INVINCIBLE 'IRON MAN'! Marvel Studios' first big comic movie of 2008-starring Robert Downey Jr. and directed by Jon Favreau-hits theaters on May 2, and to get you ready for blastoff, we take you on set, behind the scenes and inside the armor of this heavy metal hero.
X-MEN UNLIMITED! 'Messiah Complex' rocked Marvel's X-Men to the core, and set the X Universe in a whole new direction. We'll take a look at the new books, new creative teams and new mission statements, and forecast what's in store as Uncanny X-Men races toward its 500th issue this summer.
GREEN LANTERN: SINESTRO RETURNS! How will Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis follow up their sensational 'Sinestro Corps' storyline in Green Lantern? Check out the 'Secret Origin' of Hal Jordan arc, recounting his early days with one-time partner Sinestro!